Women's Health Physiotherapy

At Bounce we aim to cater for women at every stage of life, from pre or post natal through to managing the natural challenges that occur as we age. Wherever you are on this spectrum, we are able to help you through this time. Our experienced women’s health physiotherapists understand the unique and often complex array of disorders that women can experience and therefore provide thorough assessment and expert treatment options catered to your individual needs.

Pregnancy Birth and Beyond

Pregnancy can have a profound and lasting effect on your body, with many women experiencing physical discomfort at differing stages of their pregnancy. However, this discomfort doesn’t need to stop you from enjoying this special time.

Our experienced Physiotherapists have many years of experience treating pre and post natal women who suffer from a variety of musculoskeletal conditions related to pregnancy and being a woman.

When to see us for Women's Health Physiotherapy:

  • Ante natal & Post natal care, advice and education for new or experienced mothers (including vaginal, caesarian or difficult births)
  • Lower back, pelvic girdle, sciatic, postural, neck pain
  • Breast feeding / postural issues
  • Mastitis
  • Abdominal muscle separation (DRAM)
  • Carpel Tunnel
  • Incontinence & Pelvic Floor issues (ultrasound guided)
  • Core muscle retraining
  • Osteitis Pubis
  • Progression & return to safe exercise
  • Post breast surgery
  • Post abdominal surgery (hysterectomy)
  • Prolapse
  • Osteoporosis
  • Pelvic Floor and Incontinence

One in three women who have had a baby experience urinary incontinence during their life time. Many women believe that bladder and pelvic floor problems are part of being a woman.  No matter how long you have had symptoms it’s not too late to seek help.

The pelvic floor is important for bladder and bowel control and sexual function. Conditions such as pregnancy, chronic cough, and abdominal surgeries can lead to pelvic floor dysfunction.

Pelvic Floor and Continence Physiotherapy can help with the following conditions

  • Urine leakage when you exercise, laugh, cough, sneeze, lift or get out of a chair or bed
  • Frequently needing to goto the toilet
  • Trouble reaching the toilet in time
  • Difficulty emptying your bladder or bowel
  • Sensation of heaviness, bulging or discomfort in the pelvic area
  • Difficulty controlling wind
  • Difficulty controlling your bowel
  • Prolapse
  • Pre-operative and Post-operative management following gynaecological surgery such as hysterectomy

What you may expect at your visit

Tailored treatment of your musculoskeletal complaints using the latest evidence based practice in a safe, caring and understanding environment. This may also involve developing guided exercise programs to strengthen your abdominal and/or pelvic floor muscles to assist with incontinence or pelvic pain issues.

At Bounce we provide personalised approach with physiotherapy we offer a number of options in regard to the assessment & treatment of Pelvic Floor issues, including the use of Real Time Ultrasound and exercise programs. 

Real Time Ultrasound (RTUS)

Bounce Physiotherapist are highly trained in the use of RTUS which can be used to visualise your abdominal and/or pelvic floor muscles. This can be a highly useful tool for muscle retraining and is performed externally using ultrasound and gel over your lower abdominal area, avoiding the need for internal examination.

Specialist Referral

If your problem requires more specialised assistance, we have a strong network of referral points to assist you and ensure you receive the appropriate expertise.

Other Allied Health

Referral to our experienced Dietitians or Exercise Physiologists may also be appropriate to assist you in achieving your dietary or exercise goals.

Clinical Pilates

Rehabilitation of your condition may also involve a clinical pilates program. This may be taught in a personal one on one setting or in small class groups depending on your needs and preference. We have an extensive timetable of physiotherapy led Pilates classes to assist you in developing and improving your core & pelvic floor strength as well as your general body strength and condition. Our classes cater for all levels of fitness and are perfect for those wishing to lessen the impact of pregnancy or surgery on their body or assist with their recovery to pre-baby form.


Bounce Health Group

Call Bounce Health now on 1300 855 442 to make an appointment or for more information.
Group exercise
Medicine ball


195 Whitehorse Road
Blackburn VIC 3130
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North Ringwood

4/204-206 Warrandyte Road
North Ringwood VIC 3134
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1101 Wellington Road
Rowville VIC 3178
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2A Park Road
Oakleigh VIC 3166
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