What is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist?
Our Exercise Physiologists are university trained specialists at prescribing targeted and individualised exercise programs for people with specific sporting or weight loss goals as well as those with injuries or illnesses.
What do our Exercise Physiologist do?
Our Exercise Physiologists use exercise as a treatment to improve your health and fitness, thereby decreasing your risk or assisting in the management of the following conditions:
- Osteoarthritis
- Diabetes
- Heart or lung disease
- Depression
- Osteoporosis/Falls prevention/Balance Training
- Back pain or other musculoskeletal injuries
- Chronic pain/ fibromyalgia
- Rehabilitation after surgery
- Cancer
Exercise Physiology Treatment
Exercise Physiologists have the skills and knowledge to assist healthy people reach their exercise or health goals such as:
- weight loss
- diabete
- heart disease
- exercise for cancer
- training for sporting events
- injury rehab
They will first assess your needs and requirements and design a program in line with your current management or treatment plans from other health professionals, to assist you with reaching your goals as soon as possible.
Exercise Physiology Group Gym Classes
Prior to commencing our Group Gym classes (available at Blackburn, North Ringwood & Rowvillle), a one-on-one consultation with one of our Accredited Exercise Physiologist is required. This is to ensure that a specific program appropriate to your goals is established prior to your first class.
Blackburn Exercise Physiology Classes Timetable

Meet our Amazing Exercise Physiologists:
Matt Bailey
Please read Matt's Bio HERE
Helen Goldschmiedt
View Helen's profile HERE
Type 2 Diabetes & Weight Management Program at Bounce Blackburn
Have you been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes? Do you have difficulty managing your weight? Would you like to live a healthier lifestyle? Our Diabetes and Weight Management Program may be for you!
What does it involve?
An initial assessment and eight one hour group sessions (over an 8 week period) involving education, trial of exercise and dietary plans to assist you in managing your weight and diabetes.
GP Referral
A GP Referral under the “Group Allied Health Services under Medicare for patients with Type 2 Diabetes” referral form is required. This form has been attached below for your convince. Our Diabetes service is bulk billed.

Who is involved?
This group provides an opportunity for you to meet other people dealing with the management of their diabetes and on your request every effort will be made to implement a continued group program outside the program to enable you to continue with your healthy lifestyle.
WorkCover, TAC, DVA & NDIS
Our Exercise Physiologists at Bounce accept third party bookings. For WorkCover & DVA bookings a GP referral is required. Patients under TAC can be referred to Exercise Physiology by a GP or Physiotherapist.
Call Bounce Health now on 1300 855 442 to make an appointment or for more information.